are a lot of games that are meant for little children and no doubt
that they have a lot of qood qualities. But we wanted to be sure that
our game is really useful.
- First, we have an idea about what should be the focus of the game and for witch age group it is meant. Our game designers have a long discussion with educational scientists from two universities and we discuss how the certain age group should be approached. This idea is then written into a technical document for which our artists add the first sketches of objects and art.
- Then the game development starts. We have the designs and models made at the same time as the code is being written. Most of our IT work is done over sessions we call GameJams. These are usually a 3 day events over weekends where everyone gets together, works and help each other. This is needed as a lot of us has a day-job and we're developing Tinkido on our free time.
- Whenever we finish a new part of the game or some new features we are going back to the scientists. They give us their notes and then the developers make improvments. This phase is usually repeated a lot. Just to make sure that everything works and children really learn something from the game (and this is also the reason why it's very hard for us to predict, how long game development is going to take. We decided early that we would rather fail the deadline then fail the children)
- And when everything seems fine to the scientists and developers, the game is tested by scientists on children from different kindergardens.
- When this is done, we'll add the features to the free alpha build on our webpage.
this is it. I hope this helps you understand our mechanics a little
better. Of course, it's not quite that easy, but we have a lot of fun
doing it.
is also important to understand, that if the game is finished
and public, we are still going to improve and add features (on the
same method as described above) for as long as we have good ideas.